The Adult Industry is a lot of things, but nothing like Pueblo, Colorado...TELL US MORE, PLEASE?


Now every day you read and/or hear something about the Adult Industry and 99.9% of the time its BULLSHIT as well as FAKE AS HELL YES! somethings are factual, but not at the level as some of the BS Stories, we at the BLOG Lets Talk Now 2 (SM) try to clear up the facts from the fictions and we do a very good job (SOMETIMES, but we miss a few items, but in the long run we catch them, mostly on other sites and we will NEVER re-post them we just let others know that the stories are out there and we post the URL/WEBSITE ADDRESS for YOU to be informed correctly).

Now the Story of TODAY is about a place called "PUEBLO" it's in the State of Colorado and it can be cool, but hate to say it but its FULL of RACIST and HOMOPHOBIC People, the funny part is that it is a small City and County within the State of Colorado and its Latino Culture YOU would think it was laid back, but YOU would be WRONG, it's so racist and homophobic that its almost FUNNY, but again it's not...this town when I was YOUNG(ER) was fast becoming Hip, its now full of Bars, places for Drug Users, a Racists/Haters, just to name a few. Some will claim that I just hate Pueblo, they would be incorrect, but they have their OPINION and I believe live and let live is my Motto...I walk the line every other day to see companies like AT&T, Target(R), Walmart(R), et al champions of those within the LGBTQ+ communities and they are within a Racist/Hateful City/County called Pueblo, every time I see this I just get very UPSET, but I just Hope and Pray that they will get better, but I am WRONG...I say this because I have seen RACISM at work and those within Power, such as the Mayor and his City Attorney sit back and allow such to occur even after they are informed of such, they sound and look shocked, but it is a BS Game and companies like Target(R), Walmart(R), AT&T(R), et al continue to front their funds for their situation...they remind me of Disney(R) in FL they look shocked and even dismayed, but in reality, they are NOT it just a game to keep YOU the PUBLIC from finding out what really happens to anyone who is of Color and Homo/Trans sexual, what they do is put out a story or what is called a SPIN of lies and UNFOUNDED TRUTHS about the adult industry, et al any the Public eats it up, while they fuck all types of Minority(ies), as well as Queer/ tell me when is, it we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and WE VOTE FOR THESE ASSHOLES - STOP! NO MORE VOTING UNTIL WE CLEAN HOUSE AND WE MEAN CLEAN HOUSE.

Hate to say it but the City and County of Pueblo was once an up-and-coming place I used to call it the Little Denver, it once had Clubs, to party in, and CSU was a very hot college to attend and the Pack Football team was sexy and one hell of a sports team, but TODAY not so much...YES! honestly, the adult industry has its issues, but not as bad as some may claim its a place that is both full of Joyful Light, as well as Hateful Darkness, but all in all there is more Joyful light than anything, so YES! when it comes to Racism and Hate We at Lets Talk Now (TM) and Let's Talk Now 2 (SM) will ALWAYS inform the public they can either accept it or not, but we will always report the truth and when required we shall always back it up with actual proof, will the liars say the same.


The Adult Center for Lets Talk Now (2)